Eligibility: Any interested OCMS student, including 5th graders
Coach: Pamela Fontana,
Assistant Coach: Dale Leckie,
Cost: $50 Athletic fee and $50 Team fee, plus purchase of team shirts and snacks
Required equipment: Tennis racquet, appropriate lace-up tennis shoes (no slip-ons or open toe shoes),
bottoms with pockets to hold balls (shorts, sweats, tennis skirts, etc.)
Season: July - November
Practice: July until 1st match – Practice Tuesdays & Thursdays (5:30 -7:00)
When matches start, practice will be Mondays & Wednesdays immediately after school (4:15-6:00)
Matches: Official matches take place on Tuesdays & Thursdays immediately after school (about 4:30)
Parents to provide transportation to the match site