How do the Boosters support OCMS Athletics?
OCMS Athletic Boosters contributed approx.. $18,000 in the 23-24 school year towards uniforms, equipment, fees and more. Our goal is to reach more athletes needs in the 24-25 school year. There is still a need for uniforms and equipment for our teams. The Athletic Booster Program help’s offset the cost that parents may have to pay for their kids to play a sport. With your cheerful donations and unwavering support, we plan to spend approx. $20,000 this year on our Excellent Athletes. Please help support the OCMS Athletic Boosters.
The OCMS Athletic Booster Club hosts a Colonel Club party
each year celebrating student athletes who have maintained high grades and exemplary conduct in the classroom throughout the year.
Colonel PRIDE
The Boosters support school-wide activities throughout the
year such as House challenges, social events,
tailgate parties and spirit wear sales